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Forest and habitat plans, inventories and monitoring that balance and promote the health of our forest ecosystem. 

Every successful action started with good planning. Make sure you know what resources are on your property. As a Vermont consulting forester, Northern Stewards develops habitat management plans, forest management plans, conducts inventories and assessments to inform strategies and recommendations to achieve objectives.



Planning Services

Forest Management Plans

Know your Trees. 

Northern Stewards inventories forest conditions, tree growth rates, volume, quality and value. We asses forest trails and infrastructure, ecological conditions and functions on a variety of scales. Using GIS and GPS we map resources, terrain features, and sensitive areas. We analyze the data develop recommendations to manage forest resources to meet your needs.


You will receive a color-bound plan and electronic version with detailed description of your forest resources, a map, and list of recommendations of activities to meet your objectives. 


Use Value Appraisal Plans

NRCS Forest Conservation Activity Plans


Wildlife Habitat Management Plans

Know your habitats.

We inventory and map habitat conditions and connections appropriate for the site. Using landowner objectives and habitat priorities, recommendations are made to optimize your property for targeted wildlife species. 

Habitat Management Plans primarily work to increase food resources, cover habitat, connectivity, improve habitat diversity on different spatial scales, and protect, improve or create habitat for unique wildlife species.


​You will receive a color-bound plan and electronic version with detailed description of your forest resources, a map, and list of recommendations of activities to meet your objectives. 


Suitable for Use Value Appraisal Forest Plans

NRCS Fish and Wildlife Conservation Activity Plans


Inventory, Assess, Monitor

Just know. 

Maybe you don't need management recommendations. Maybe all you need is to know. We provide a variety of monitoring and assessments for ecological baseline data and mapping. 


Contact us to tailor a monitoring project or assessment for your needs. 


Climate Friendly Forests

Forest Carbon. Keep it. Get more.

Our forests play a vital role in protecting our climate and our life here on earth through carbon sequestration and carbon storage. Additionally, a changing climate threatens these very forests and may disrupt their ability to both provide sustainable resources but also store and sequester carbon.

Carbon sequestration occurs from growing trees, pulling carbon out of the atmosphere used for photosynthesis. Carbon gets stored in living and dead wood and plant material and soil organic matter.


Forest management plans can be prepared to maximize and balance carbon storage, sequestration and the utilization of forest products. 

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Planning: Services
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