Allan Thompson
Licensed Vermont Consulting Forester
Certified Wildlife Biologist

Integrated Natural Resource Solutions for You.
Licensed Vermont Consulting Forester.
Certified Wildlife Biologist.
For Forests.
For Wildlife.
For Water.
For Timber.
For Life.

Planning, inventories and management
that help you understand your forest and wildlife resources, assist in management that meets your objectives, and protect the ecosystem that we call home.
No plans to build or subdivide on 25 or more acres?
Ready to engage in forest management activities and proper planning?
Think your taxes should reflect that?
Why not enroll to receive tax abatement available for woodland owners just like you.
NRCS will help fund Forest Plans, TSI, young forest habitat creation, fix eroding trails and help palnt trees. Among an exhaustive list of other things. Your're best bet is to use the link above to find the closet service center and call or email. The NRCS websites is a rabbit hole not worth going down. But the phone call is well worth it.
State foresters responsible for the Use Value Appraisal Program. Also, dedicated to providing resources to landowners. They can't take you all the way, but they're a great reality check and worth getting to know.
Advocates and provides educational resources for woodland owners. Members receive information pertinent to woodland owners, have legislative liaisons in the State House and provides testimony for woodland owner interests. A great group to join for any woodland owner.
You love your land. You want to protect it from future decisions that may jeopardize the resources; the forest, the water, the wildlife.
Contact a land trust. Tell them your story and say "I'd like to discuss conserving my property".
Use the link above or contact us for suggestions. I'll thank you for doing so.
A network of neighbors inspiring woodland and wildlife stewardship through hands on training and education. Like wildlife? Check em out.